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About Graphene

Graphene is a two dimensional structure of Carbon atoms in hexagonal honeycomb arrangements.  Some of Graphene's properties is that it is the best conductor of heat at room temperature and it is also the best conductor of electricity known.  Because of its interesting properties, Graphene is being thoroughly studied for many potential applications. 


A Scanning Tunneling Microscope is used to study the surface properties of Graphene. Although theoretically Graphene is two dimensional (a uniform one atom thick layer), realistically it is very difficult to reproduce, which is why my project is useful the quality of the graphene samples.  With information from our scanning tunneling microscope we will be able to analyze Graphene samples for quality control (checking to see where sample is one atom thick).  


For more information about Graphene, I suggest looking at this site: 

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Created in coordination of Professor Garmire. Proudly created with

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